Driving ROI: The Business Case for Proven Construction Planning Software

Touchplan recently partnered with Hobson & Company (H&C), a leading research firm focused on Return on Investment (ROI) studies to explore these challenges and learn how industry leaders are responding.

Profit margins for commercial general contractors average around 4% — leaving little wiggle room for unplanned expenses. Effective construction planning helps project teams proactively manage the many factors that negatively impact profitability, but it is time-consuming and resource intensive when done manually. There is an urgent need for planning software that will further improve operations, drive profitability, and mitigate risk without increasing the administrative burden on project teams.

H&C conducted independent research consisting of nine in-depth interviews with Touchplan customers and found that Touchplan addressed specific customer challenges to deliver a quick and compelling ROI. The impact of Touchplan’s Construction Planning Software is not only strategic but measurable. 

Download our eBook and learn all the details on the return Touchplan is delivering to the construction industry.

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